Colonics, also known as Colon Hydrotherapy (CHT), high enema or colonic irrigation, is a gentle method of internally cleansing your colon of poisons, gas, and accumulated waste matter, without the use of drugs or chemicals.
Used in combination with a regimen of proper nutrition and regular exercise, regular colon cleansing can be a powerful tool for breaking unhealthy habits and maintaining optimum health throughout your lifetime.
Why Have a Colonic?
People seek colon hydrotherapy for a wide range of reasons. Some seek relief from symptoms of IBS and other gastrointestinal problems, such as bloating, constipation, or diarrhea. In contrast, others want to maintain and improve their digestion health and enjoy the light feeling and enhanced energy levels often resulting from a treatment.
At A Natural Cleanse, LLC, I believe better health starts with healthy, clean digestive systems, and research shows that I am not alone.
The gut is commonly referred to as our “second brain.” It is responsible for the digestion, absorption, and utilization of vital nutrients, followed by the elimination of toxic waste matter from all systems of the body. When our digestion system gets overloaded and sluggish, the rest of the body suffers. We can no longer detoxify effectively, opening the body up to a greater risk of disease, inflammation, infection, parasites, and other harmful invaders.
Toxicity can affect us anywhere in the body. Once broken through the damaged gut wall, toxins, yeasts, and parasites can travel freely through the bloodstream and wreak havoc on the brain and many other body parts.
Even with the best intentions in the world, few of us eat as healthy as we should or get enough exercise. Unfortunately, our bodies are not designed for a sedentary lifestyle fueled by processed and refined foods with chemically synthesized ingredients. Inevitably, this upsets the natural way your digestion system works, leading to various adverse effects on your health, from digestion and bowel problems to lethargy and headaches.
By cleansing the colon regularly and taking the necessary steps to reduce the toxic overload in the body, your energy and vitality may increase, and your overall health has the potential to improve significantly. If we have a healthy gut, we better process emotions, fuel our bodies, and live life to the fullest, which leads to a happy mind.