Indications for Colon Therapy
Colon Hydrotherapy has been shown to be beneficial for the following conditions. These indications DO NOT require a prescription from a licensed physician.
- Frequent indigestion
- Abdominal distention/flatulence or gas and abdominal bloating
- Acute fecal impaction
- Constipation
- Foul-smelling, compacted stools
- Colitis
- Diverticulosis
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Preventive health maintenance for colon health
- Atonic colon
- Fever from acute illness
- Hyper/hypo-thermia
- Diarrhea
- Intestinal toxemia
- Parasitic infections
- Food allergies and sensitivities
- Coated tongue and ‘bad-breath’
- Skin problems
- Preparation for surgery
- Preparation for endoscopic procedures (sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy)
- Following barium enemas
- Preparation for other intestinal diagnostic procedures
- hemorrhoids (mild to moderate severity)
- To facilitate balance of the intestinal flora or biome
- Headaches
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Coated tongue
- Flatulence
- Cold extremities
- Abdominal weight gain
- Fatigue
- Allergies
- Nausea
- Irritability
- Backaches
- Halitosis

Contraindications for Colon Hydrotherapy
A Contraindication is when colon hydrotherapy should NOT be considered UNLESS prescribed by a licensed physician. We will NOT perform colon hydrotherapy with you IF you have a contraindication UNLESS you have a PRESCRIPTION from your licensed physician.
- ABDOMINAL HERNIA – Must be released by a physician.
- ABDOMINAL SURGERY – A minimum of 12 weeks should pass after surgery and must be released by a physician and prescription for a colonic.
- ABNORMAL DISTENTION/MASSES – If distention is because of gas, bloating and fat it’s OK. If there are masses (one or two areas that are hardened) we cannot do a colonic and we recommend an exam by a physician.
- ACUTE LIVER FAILURE – having a colonic would put stress on the liver. If cirrhosis of the liver, the colonic would cause the liver to dump toxins too fast. We recommend you have an exam by a physician and a written prescription for a colonic.
- ANEMIA – this condition weakens an individual. The colonic would put stress on an already weakened system. You’ll need a Dr. prescription for a colonic.
- ANEURYSM – Absolutely no colonic.
- CARCINOMA – of the colon, kidney or bladder (walls are weakened). Unable to do a colonic. If in other areas of the body, it would be ok. We recommend an exam by a physician and prescription for a colonic.
- CARDIAC CONDITION – We need to know what kind of heart condition? Are you seeing a Dr. for this condition? Do they have a pacemaker, congestive heart failure (weakened heart, losing the ability to pump the blood), recent heart attack, heart surgery? High blood pressure? Under control? We recommend an exam by a physician and prescription for colonic.
- CHROHN’S DISEASE –Limited to the small intestine. Please let us know if you have this condition.
- COLITIS/MUCUS COLITIS – Colonic can be done, but will be at a low temp of 96 – 98 degrees.
- ULCERATIVE COLITIS –We recommend a physician exam and prescription.
- DIALYSIS PATIENTS – a colonic would put a lot of stress on the kidneys. We recommend a physician exam and prescription.
- DIVERTICULI – Yes, can give a colonic. This will help empty the pockets.
- DIVERTICULOSIS – Yes, can give a colonic. The temp is kept lower (96-98) as well as the flow of water.
- DIVERTICULITIS – The diverticula are inflamed. Absolutely no colonic.
- FISSURES/FISTULAS – A colonic would put pressure on this area. We recommend a physician exam and prescription.
- HEMORRHAGING – If any sign of bright red blood from the rectum/colon a colonic cannot be administered. I would advise you to see a Doctor. If a woman is having her menstrual cycle, a colonic could be beneficial to relieve cramping.
- HEMORRHOIDECTOMY – Get a Dr. release before doing a colonic. Needs to be at least 12 weeks after surgery. The Temperature will be kept lower (94 –96)
- INTESTINAL PERFORATION – Cannot do colonic! Symptoms are blood, vomiting, nausea, and fever.
- LUPUS – We recommend a physician prescription before doing the colonic.
- PREGNANCY – No colonic during the first and last trimester. We recommend a physician exam and prescription.
- RECTAL SURGERY –Only after 12 weeks after the surgery and a Doctor’s Release.
- RENAL INSUFFICENCIES (Kidney failure) – No colonic! Colonics work the kidneys.
- MEDICAL CONDITIONS – You may be taking prescription drugs that may cause a weakening of the bowel wall. Before receiving a colonic always speak with your Doctor regarding the effect of the drug you are taking and get a medical release for the Colonic.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office directly at 503-849-4703 or contact your Doctor.